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Instagram User Generated Content

What is User Generated Content

User Generated Content (UGC) is a goldmine. A study by TurnTo Networks found that user-generated content influences 90% of the consumer’s purchasing decisions.

User-generated content is any form of content that has been posted by users on online platforms about a brand and then shared by the brand on their social platforms. Usually, those contributors are ambassadors who promote a brand’s products.

In this post, we’ll share how to repost user-generated content properly.

How To Properly Repost User Generated Content

If getting followers on Instagram is the big goal, then it’s vital to have great content that captures attention, builds trust, and eventually makes the sell. Unfortunately, creating content, engaging, and building an audience on any platform from the bottom up can be overwhelming. 

The good news is you can quickly build a strong yet visual social media presence without worrying about producing professional photos. User-generated might just be the answer you’ve been looking for.

To repost user-generated content you can use a listening tool like Agorapulse or Mention to stay on top of brand mentions. From their simply download the user’s photo and captions or repost content using an authorized reposting app.

Why Reposting is important for Instagram

Instagram is all about being as visible as possible. Therefore, reposting great content by someone else can save time and potentially get thousands of viewers.

You don’t have to have amazing content creation skills to repost content. Infact, on Instagram, you can reshare posts to your stories or repost an image and tag the creator.  Content curation and reposting can play important role in Instagram marketing than creating the social media feed independently.

The Proper Way to Repost Content by Someone Else

There are millions of people using Instagram every day. It means that reposting someone else’s content for business or personal reasons should be done the right way. Below are some basic rules to follow when reposting content by someone else as said by an Instagram marketing agency.

Give Proper Credit to The Original Creator

Imagine someone spent a day just to create an outstanding Instagram post, then they absolutely deserve the credit for what they did. Always give proper credit when reposting someone else’s stuff. This is essential because nobody wants to hear negative comments about their business because they steal someone else’s content.

The proper way to give credit to someone else on your post is to put in a line at the end of your shared post and tag the person who originally posted the content. It can be as simple as saying in quotation marks “original photo by @creatorhandle”. 

It is also great to reach them out and ask them for permission before featuring or reposting their content. It takes only a couple of minutes to message them but it can save any grief in the future.

Avoid saying something is yours when it is not

One of the worst things to do is take someone’s content, repost it, and saying that the content is originally yours. Dishonesty can lead to untrustworthiness and it can end up causing potential audiences to lose trust in the brand.

Let’s be smart by making sure to not take any credit for things that are not originally yours.

Keep the content original or ask permission

User Generated Content
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Copyright is a serious matter.

Some brands want to keep the Instagram feed consistent by using brand colors in the pictures. When using someone else’s content, make sure to keep it original. If any editing is required, make sure to ask for permission from the original creator that their content will be edited. If they say no, then it is mandatory to keep the content original.

It will not make sense to say that their content is great but editing is needed when reposting it, isn’t it?

This kind of attitude will help to build trust between the brand and the original creator as well as between the brand and the audiences.

Include All The Networks Tagged The Post From

Instagram is not the only social media platform. If a brand chooses to repost something on Instagram and then share that on their other social media outlets, then it is vital to look up the original content creator and tag them on every platform if it is possible. This will show that a brand knows how to network properly so they are more likely to let their content be reposted by the brand.

Even if the creator is not on a platform that the brand has, it is still important to credit them for their works. Simply putting the creator’s name in quotation marks at the very end of the caption.

Reposting on Instagram Step by Step Instructions


  1. Download the Repost App which will do captions and create images that tag the original content creator the right way.
  2. If you do not use the Repost App make sure you message the original creator for permission, tag the original poster at the end of your caption or naturally give them credit within your caption.

Reposting user-generated content can be a great social media tactic. The best way to approach this tactic is to look at it from a win-win perspective. Great creators deserve recognition and your brand benefits by featuring customers while decreasing the cost of content production. When executed properly UGC can serve brands and influencers well. 

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