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What needs to be inside a crisp Twitter marketing guide? Best practices and examples of successfully growing accounts? Well… it takes basic things to create a good Twitter marketing strategy since every account has its own uniqueness. Niche is what makes every account different from another account. Even one account’s best practices cannot always be implemented on the other account.

So, let’s take a look at what creates a good Twitter marketing strategy from several basic things you cannot miss!

1. Interesting Twitter Bio

Writing a strong and memorable bio for your Twitter profile is crucial. Twitter bio is the first thing a profile visitor will read about your company. You will need a good introduction and a brief explanation of what visitors can expect from your page and content. Remember, you only have 160 characters to do this so make sure to choose your words wisely to represent your brand.



Take a look at the Ampfluence Twitter bio above. It is clearly stated what service we are offering and what qualities visitors can expect from us.

2. Twitter Ads Keywords Targeting

Through keyword targeting, you can utilize the different phrases and keywords you’ve placed within your content and those they have searched on Twitter. This means you will reach your target audience at a critical moment when your business, content, and services are relevant to them. There are two types of targeting you can do on Twitter, including search and timeline.

  • Search Keyword Targeting – Search keyword targeting allows you to make your tweets show up for users who are searching for the topics that you determined to relate to your business.
  • Timeline Keyword Targeting – Timeline keyword targeting allows you to act on users’ specific feelings, thoughts, actions, and emotions they’ve tweeted about. For example, if you’re a running gear company, you might target keywords and phrases users’ tweets.




Twitter recommends adding a mix of at least 25 relevant keywords to your campaign. If you are not quite familiar with the feature, here are some steps you can follow to access the keyword targeting section from your Twitter Ads dashboard:

  1. Go to the “Targeting” section of your campaign setup
  2. Under the “Audience features” section, click “All” and select “Keywords”
  3. From there, type in your keywords and choose to “Add” or “Exclude” them
  • Add: If a user Tweeted or replied to a Tweet using the keyword, and they meet the geo, language, device, and gender targeting, they can be targeted.
  • Exclude: If someone has Tweeted or interacted with a Tweet containing the excluded keyword, they are not eligible to be targeted by this campaign, regardless of their location, language, device, or gender. Additionally, your campaign will not appear in the search results for any excluded keywords.

Tweets, replies, links clicked, and likes containing the keyword can be considered as signals that users have interacted or engaged with your content.

3. Organize A Content-Sharing Schedule

As you grow your base of followers, you’ll need to post on a regular basis to ensure they stay engaged with your business and content. Not only do you want to tweet regularly, but you also want to tweet at the right times of the day. Just like the Instagram content calendar, on Twitter, you do need to have one to make sure your audience won’t go away if they see you are less active.

4. Create A Twitter Campaign

Social media marketing campaigns of any kind are a great way to reach your audience, drive sales, and increase your website traffic. You can create a social media marketing campaign specifically for Twitter to target users and increase your base of followers all while raising your brand awareness through the platform. To create a Twitter marketing campaign, you’ll want to follow the same steps as creating another social media campaign such as:

  • Research your competition.
  • Determine how you’ll appeal to your target audience.
  • Choose the type of content you’ll create and promote your content.
  • Analyze your results.

Make sure to choose the right campaign objective so you won’t be wasting any of your pennies and time. Twitter has provided several campaign objectives that should match your marketing goals.


For example, if you are launching a new brand, awareness would be a perfect choice.

5. Hashtags Utilization

Adding hashtags to your tweets is a great way to expand your influence on Twitter. However, there are some guidelines you’ll want to stick to when using hashtags to ensure that you reach the largest number of people possible. Create a hashtag that’s unique to your business so your followers and target audience can easily find you and your content. Create relevant and memorable hashtags for other groups of tweets such as ones related to a specific campaign you’re running.

Don’t overuse hashtags because they can feel and look spammy to your audience or in other words, it is not aesthetically pleasing. Also, tweets with more than two hashtags see a 17% decrease in engagement than those with one or two hashtags.

6. Interact with Your Followers

Remembering to engage with your followers as your business grows and Twitter follower count increases are crucial. This will help you create experiences for your followers and audience members that feel personal and keep them coming back to your profile all while fostering a sense of brand loyalty.


For example, if someone retweets your post or comments on your tweet, you can “Like” that person’s interaction or even tweet back to them with a response. See how Ampfluence responds to followers that shared their content above. Keep in mind to give a genuine response or interaction. Nobody wants to have a convo with robots, right?

7. Keep An Eye on Your Competitors

Twitter is a great way to keep an eye on your competitors’ marketing efforts. You can follow them or simply search them to see what they’re posting. You can also view basic details about their engagement such as their number of retweets, comments, and responses. This is a simple way to see some of the Twitter marketing strategies your competitors are implementing and whether they’re working.

8. Focus on Followers’ Interests and Needs

Your content should resonate with your audience members so be sure to focus on their interests and needs. Whether that’s related to how you share it, what you share, or how you present it. You’ll be more likely to keep your target audience and buyers’ personas engaged if you meet their needs.

As you study your buyer personas and target audience, you can determine the type of content they’re looking for. If you want more ideas about the type of content your Twitter followers desire, consider tweeting questions, sending surveys, creating Twitter chats, or even creating Twitter contests.

9. Check Your Twitter DMs Regularly

Twitter provides users with a direct message inbox where they can receive private messages regarding questions, concerns, and comments. Keep an eye on your inbox regularly. Any DM that you received can affect the type of customer service and support your business is known for, as well as the way you treat your followers and customers.

10. Keep Track of Your Analytics

With all of the work you’re putting into your business’ Twitter marketing, you’ll want to ensure your efforts are successful in reaching your goals whether they’re related to directing more traffic to your website, increasing conversions, or improving brand awareness.


Twitter is an effective marketing tool and social media platform for businesses. In addition to marketing your brand more effectively, it can also make your audience more engaged, boost conversion rates, and increase sales for you as well. Make sure you’re on top of your Twitter game with this Twitter marketing guide.

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