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How to Advertise Your Etsy Shop on Twitter

Many would say that Twitter is not the platform to advertise with their Etsy shops because it is not a site that focuses on visual content. Unlike Instagram and Pinterest, Etsy shop owners might more able to leverage their online businesses on these platforms. But, these are just speculations. Your Etsy shop business will undoubtedly benefit from Twitter, even the small businesses that are still starting.

In this blog, we will walk you through how to build up your audience and gain more website traffic from Twitter for your Etsy Shop business.

What is an Etsy Shop?

Etsy Shop on Twitter

Etsy, inc. is an American e-commerce company where independent artists and crafters can sell their goods. These items all fall under a range of categories from clothing to handcrafted supplies and tools. This site follows the tradition of open craft fairs where sellers can have a personal storefront. It also allows sellers to list their items for $0.20 per item plus a 5% transaction fee when an item sells.

How to Advertise your Etsy Shop on Twitter


It’s been easy to see that what starts as a simple retweet can turn into a conversational contact. However, it is not easy to start building your growth on Twitter where mostly everything is done with tweets. It takes time and patience and it will not always hit big time right away. We have curated below the different tips on how to be effective in advertising your Etsy Shop on Twitter.

Build your Brand’s Voice

Build your brand’s voice by posting relevant content consistently. The more your audience hears from you, the more you will be visible to them. Posting on Twitter is an easy opportunity to show your creative story and give readers a look into the face behind your business. Share the inspiring blogs from your website from time to time, so your audience will be aware of your expertise in your niche. Mixing up your posts on Twitter is the key to creating a well-rounded social presence as well as keeping the followers engaged. Start by developing a content strategy with the type of posts you would like to use and share over the up and coming months. There are many creative and engaging Twitter posts to maximize in advertising your Etsy Shop, here you have to identify which is the best fit for your business and your target audience. Keep in mind that engaging content should make up the majority of your tweets, and then you can have a few product promotions mixed into your social feeds. 

An example, @sarahkingartD on Twitter promoted her blog and her Etsy shop in this tweet, as shown in the image below. 


Create a Social Media Content Calendar

A Twitter content calendar is the best way to organize your posts making sure everything is covered in a month. By committing ahead of time to a range of posts, it would be easier to stay on track and create new ideas for promotion and new products. You can schedule your tweets to publish throughout the day or week with free tools like Hootsuite or Buffer. Scheduling your tweets in advance allows you to schedule the rest of your time to work on focusing on other business tasks. You can also get your hands on this amazing Content Craft Social Media Calendar that will give you 731+ days of social media content.

Join Twitter Conversation

Twitter can be good for promoting your business if you’re able to tap into a larger conversation. Think about what themes relate to your business and explore the opportunities you can create a broad discussion. You can also begin to use hashtags to strategically align your brand with larger industry trends and topics. As shown in the example below, users often use the hashtag #etsy to promote their Etsy shop in their tweets.


Get in Touch With Credible Influencers

Getting in touch with Twitter influencers is a powerful resource to promote your Etsy shop business. Consider promotional partnerships or research for new wholesale buyers. When you are thinking of working with a new blogger or professional partner, take the time to review their profile, credibility, and how they interact with their followers. Another great way to find influencers and potential collaborators is by paying attention to the people who follow you. A great way to do this is by using Socialrank. Social Rank is a free tool for analyzing and organizing your followers on Twitter and Instagram. Sort out your followers to find out which ones have the largest audience or see who is the most engaged with your posts. Another resource you could look into is using Twitter Analytics to find your top follower. In other words, this is the person with the most follows and top mention. Once you have successfully identified a few influencers, initiate a friendly yet professional conversation with them by sending them a message. 


Track your Twitter Growth

A great way to track your business growth is to use tracking tools. is useful for shortening links and tracking clicks on the tweet you share. It helps you to see how many people are taking the time to look at what you are tweeting and what tweets are getting attention versus the tweets that are not. In this way, you will know which types of tweets are getting attention from your audience and be able to maximize them for your content planning.

Twitter Analytics provides in-depth data on who is following and engaging with your posts. Here it will help you develop a Twitter feed that captivates your followers and waiting for more of your content. Always maintain genuine social conversations, and never hesitate to show your brand’s personality as you grow your Etsy shop business on Twitter.


Final Thoughts

It’s no doubt that social media is efficient for any brand on Etsy. Your Etsy shop business will undoubtedly benefit from mentions on different social media sites. The key factor is to keep your buyers coming back by building your brand’s authority on Twitter. And if you are still starting or currently selling on Etsy, feel free to share with us the strategies that are working for you. We’d love to hear from you!

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